Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Clans To Groups, 5/18/16

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Black Ops Three Groups
Contact @GBDSiirenswithaSpace on Telegram for more news about this.
5/9/16 Was The Last Day to claim A clan Name

Groups is an entirely new social element to the Black Ops universe. For the first time, Groups offers an in-game platform for building communities on a global scale. Tightly integrated with existing game systems, Groups helps players quickly expand their network of comrades and competitors. Players can join a Group of like-minded weekend warriors, or create their own to take their clan to the next level.
At its heart, Groups is an open-ended feature that puts control of in-game social aggregation into the hands of players. It’s up to players to create, or join Groups that make sense for them. Some common Groups might include:
  • Clans
  • Teams
  • Friends
  • Streamers
  • Classmates
Players can visit the Groups tab of the Social menu to create or find Groups to join. Once in a Group, players should visit the Group Headquarters to see a Roster of other members, Group messages, monitor their rank on custom Group Leaderboards to check out fellow Group members’ latest Paintjobs, Emblems, Theater Clips, stats and more.
The Quick Join feature shows online friends and allows players to quickly jump into their games. After becoming a member of a Group, Quick Join will still show the list of your friends currently online, but any remaining space will be filled with members of Groups to which you belong. In many cases this will dramatically increase the number of people players can instantly party up with.Specific privacy settings will disable the Groups tab making it invisible in the Social menu. If you can't see the Groups tab in the Social menu, try updating your privacy settings by doing the following:
How to Show your group Name.
In-game Settings
  1. Select the Menu option
  2. Select Content Filter
  3. Scroll to the User Generated Content section and select Enabled
Xbox One
  1. Select the Settings tab from the Xbox Dashboard
  2. Select Account
Select Privacy & Online Safety
  1. Select View details & customize
  2. Scroll to the You can see and share content and select Everybody
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